Anchoring Skills Clinic
Enjoy the freedom of anchoring confidently at Catalina, the Channel Islands, and around the world.
No Moorings? No Problem!
Anchoring is an essential skill for the competent sailor, yet so many weekend sailors have never really taken the time to learn the art and science of anchoring. What will you do if you get to Catalina and there are no moorings available? If you’ve taken this class, you know how to anchor out when you need to. Marc’s book, Anchoring at Catalina No Moorings? No Problem! is available for purchase on board at a discount.
We focus on the principles and practices of effective anchoring using both a single anchor off the bow, and with two anchors set bow and stern. We’ll practice using the three S’s to Survey, use appropriate Scope, and Set the anchor. Emphasis is on multiple repetitions to gain competence and confidence. It’s a long day with a real workout handling the anchors.
Prerequisites: Must be in good physical condition, able to lift 35 pounds, able to move around the boat while underway; Competent Crew skill level – able to work at the skipper’s direction to safely handle anchors and anchor rope.